
First Steps to IndieWeb

    I stumbled across Aaron Parecki's website, and it got me thinking about IndieWeb and how I might implement it.

    So I've started to make some changes to my Hugo theme in anticipation of doing that (and of adding the ability to do micro-publishing).

    Now, I really need to get webmention working, which I've started by following Ana Ulin's instructions. As a test, I will try mentioning myself on this page.

    If you webmention this page, please let me know the URL of your page.

    BTW: Your webmention won't show up until I next "build" my site.

    Word count: 100 (about 1 minutes)


    Updated: 14 Oct '21 21:21

    Author: Peter Smith


    Section: blog

    Kind: page

    Bundle type: leaf

    Source: blog/2021/10/07/first-steps-to-indieweb/